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Forum Posts
May 09, 2017
In Welcome
I have a field that has both grass and broadleaf. Can I mix liquid ammonium sulfate, water, round up and 2-4-D. My recollection is that you don't want to spray the 2-4-D above 70 degrees and probably best in the morning. Do you know what the recommended rate is for 2-4-D? I was planning on letting the field sit after spraying for 2 weeks before working it up and seeding. Thoughts?
Apr 26, 2017
In Welcome
Based on time and weather is there any problem spreading pot ash and pellitized lime prior to spraying and working up the plot. There may be a window this weekend to get the spreading done. Spraying will follow the next week or two. Wait one week and then work up and drag to a depth of ~ 4". Will plant and roll the same weekend depending on the rain forecast. Plots will be Mass Builder. Thoughts????
Mar 16, 2017
In Welcome
We have a drag consisting of plastic coated aluminum chain link fence. After seeding we drag the field. Had good results in one field but poor results in another. Thinking we may have over dragged the one field. Any tricks or tools you have used to create consistent seed contact. Using a water filled poly pull behind roller is going to be difficult in that field. Looking for other alternatives. Thanks.
Mar 16, 2017
In Welcome
Did a soil test. PH is 6.1. Planning on planting mass builder. Test said to put down 2 Ton/acre 60 - 69 or 1.5 Ton/acre 80 - 89 ag grade. Area is ~ 1.5 acres. Coop said they couldn't deliver that small of an order of ag lime. I also need to spread a small amount of P2O5 and K2O. They suggested spreading Pelletized lime instead. They said it would need to be applied yearly but I expect I'll be spreading other supplements anyway. They said the Pelletized equivalent would be ~ 250 to 400#/acre. Anyone know if that amount is accurate? Thanks.
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