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After years of research G.R.O. is has now decided to release GOLD to the public. It is the ultimate in 365 day nutrition. This mix is the highest yielding perennial food plot mix available to the public. It has been tested on all soil types and on properties across the United States. Here is why GOLD.

  • Will yield 4-7.25 tons per acre per year, which is 2-3 times the industry average.
  • Tolerates temperatures below zero
  • Handles heavy grazing pressure
  • Can last an indefinite amount of years with proper management practices.
  • Is highly attractive to deer.
  • Is very drought tolerant.


Seeding rate: 13-15 lbs. per acre

Planting depth: 1/8-1/4"

Planting dates: North April-May, August

                        Central April-May, August-Sept 15

                        South March-May, Sept-October 15


Aberlasting Clover

Balsansa Fixation Clover


Disclaimer: You need to have soil pH levels between 6.0-7.0 for optimum growth. This mix prefers well drained soils. You must fertilize properly for the extra growth. This means 2-3 times the potassium is needed compared to average yielding perennial blends. You must clip 3-4 times per year due to the high growth rate of this forage. Contact John for more detailed information

GOLD 4.5lbs. (1/3 acre)


    2024 by gro

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