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Contains N-P-K-S and chelated trace minerals. Non Plant Food Ingredients include, Mined humates, seaweed extract and Liquid Molasses. EDTA chelating agents included. 

Corn- 5 gallons per acre. Use ½ at or before planting and the other half 3-5 weeks after planting.

Alfalfa or pasture- 2.5-5 gallons per acre. Use 1-3 applications per season. Can put ½-1/3 down at establishment and then another application 7-10 days after harvesting or clipping the crop.

Soybeans-2.5 -5 gallons per acre. Put half down around the time of planting and the rest down 3-5 weeks after planting.

Brassica blends, Sorghums and screening products. 2.5-5 gallons per acre depending on crop. Put down ½ at planting and the other half between 3-5 weeks post plant.

Consult your sales representative for specific application instructions. NOTE: This product supplements a sound fertility program. Follow a complete fertility program per soil test recommendations by a qualified professional.



4-8-16 2.5 gal

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