I have an existing Clover/Chicory plot. It was established about 3 yrs ago. Last year it was doing great and just a bit of mowing to handle weeds.
I am going to blame all the rain this spring for my new issue with grass invasion.
So, do I spray with something like Pursuit, Glyphosate, Clethodim or 2,4-DB (butyrac)? I have no idea if these are all different or the same herbicide products, these are just what I have read about as recommended by others on line.
Once you kill, do you reseed with some kind of no-till clover? I was thinking about planting John's Overseed Mix to the plot but want to also add some chicory.... Will it grow if I just broadcast? I can't really assure great soil contact if I am not breaking the ground up.... Maybe some localized raking. Oh, do I wait to seed till after the grasses die? I assume yes.
Can I kill and replant now?
John did a custom mix blend for me adding chicory to the overseed mix.
Thanks Shad,
What do you think about my other questions?
Once you kill, do you reseed with some kind of no-till clover? I was thinking about planting John's Overseed Mix to the plot but want to also add some chicory.... Will it grow if I just broadcast? I can't really assure great soil contact if I am not breaking the ground up.... Maybe some localized raking. Oh, do I wait to seed till after the grasses die? I assume yes.
Can I kill and replant now?
I just read that the 2,4-DB will kill my Chicory so that is OUT. Clethodim seems the ticket.
Clethodim PS 26.4% - 1 Pint (Same as Dakota 2EC Herbicide)
Post-emergent Grass control in Alfalfa, Clover, Chickory, Peas, Beans and many other related crops in the Deer Food Plot family. Also labeled for many Vegetable crops
Clethodim PS, is a selective post-emergence herbicide used to control annual and perennial grasses in a wide variety of broadleaf crops including soybeans, cotton, flax, peanuts, sunflowers, sugarbeets, potatoes, alfalfa and most vegetables.