Welcome to another edition of the back 40. We will be emailing this to program members as well as posting on our website. For those of you new to the G.R.O Program, we welcome you.
I am proud to announce besides the main eductional plot in Columbus,WI, we have an eductional plot in Ladysmith WI, One in Pennsylvania and another going to be planted in Alabama. We are an education first company. We look forward to sharing with you all the fruits of our labor.
As of August 8 we now have seed in the ground that no other wildlife company has. I am testing some seeds for a large US company and one is a unique clover not released yet in the US. Because of my reputation, I have companies offering me this wonderful opportunity. You, the end user benefit from this. I will not be able to use specifics on some of the product names I am testing but you will be the first to see pictures and receive feedback on it.
Plot Scout
The past 30 days I have been on properties in Illinois, Mississippi, Alabama, Minnesota and Wisconsin. I am now scheduling out into 2018. I will be driving to Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri for sure. To save all of you on the mileage expense, I always try to do multiple plot visits per trip. To put your name on the calender, call or email me 608-235-0628 or email obrionag@gmail.com
I believe anyone who has had me on their properties have benefits what not just last the current season but many years to come. My perspective on soil, slope, plot rotation, fertilizations and correct species gives added value. There are consultants charging way more than I do that I believe only offer a fraction of the knowledge and information that I offer those who get my hands on approach and input. Consider PLOT SCOUT.
For those of you who have not watched any of the O’Brion Educational Series on the private Facebook page, you should do so. The feedback has been incredible. I love doing the 1-hour live segments. We ended the 3rd part of the 3-part series back in late July but I am happy to announce we will do another piece Monday night August 21st at 7pm CST. If you’re not using the site, please do.
You all also have free access to the private forums on www.grandparayoutdoors.com click on the forums and request access. It is only available to program members. I’ll be posting more pictures and tidbits on there. We also post a copy each month of the monthly newsletter on there to be read anytime.
We also recently announced a new state of the art benefit for G.R.O. Certified program members, 50% replant. What that means is any program members who buy seed from a dealer or only simply needs to fill out a form saying what mix you are planting, how much you are planting and other basic information. If my act of mother nature your plots don’t grow effective, floods, hail or other causes for plot failure arise, all you need to do it put in a CLAIM. You pay for the freight and half the cost of the replacement seed and we will pick up the rest. I am not aware of anyone else in the wildlife industry doing this. Some in the corn and soybean industry offer similar programs and G.R.O. is now offering it to you.
So, what do you need to do to be G.R.O. Certified? You take the following test. The answers will be posted on both the O’Brion educational series page and the private forums on grandparayoutdoors.com This is an honor system. We are all adults. I trust you all. A great goal would be to score 70% or better. If you don’t score above than, then all I ask is watch more of my videos. Read more of my forum posts and blog posts. Get educated to the best of your abilities. Email us with a request to be added as G.R.O. certified. We will reply with a basic form to keep on hand to use when you plant. You do need to send that form to us via email within 7 days of planting to qualify.
Ready to get G.R.O Certified. Note this is a self-quiz. I will email post the answers on Monday. Please do not post answers on here. Only ask for clarification if need be. Good luck.
1) If you have a soil sample that says you need 20 lbs. nitrogen, 40 lbs. phosphorous and 160 lbs. potassium per acre. Which fertilizer would be the best fit. a) 10-10-10 b) 9-23-30 c) 18-18-18 or d) 15-15-15
2) What perennial clover tolerates wet the best. a) ladino clover b) alsike clover c) medium red clover d) mammoth clover
3) What brassica has the most cold tolerance? a) hunter brassica b) radish c) forage turnip d) Winfred brassica
4) Which forage produces the most forage tonnage per acre? a) soybeans b) ladino clover c) alfalfa d) medium red clover
5) What forage has the lowest mineral content? a) soybeans b) oats c) medium red clover d) berseem clover
6) What is the second most important soil factor after soil pH? a) potassium b) phosphorous c) organic matter d) sulfur
7) What contains the most energy? a) grain soybeans b) corn c) turnips d) rutabaga
8) What mix would be the best fit for low ph. soils? a) four galore b) grains and greens c) fall draw d) frosty delight
9) What trace mineral source is the MOST Bioavailable? a) polysaccharides b) sulfates c) oxides d) glyphosates
10) What fertilizer would be the best buy if you needed to use 40 lbs. nitrogen per acre 40 lbs. phosphorous per acre and 40 lbs. of potassium per acre? a) 10-10-10 at $10/50 b) 15-15-15 at $14/50 c) 18-18-18 at $16 d) 9-23-30 at $15
11) What is the biggest factor nutritionally in developing antlers? a) calcium b) phosphorous c) protein d) magnesium
12) What is the fastest growing forage? a) mammoth clover b) Ethiopian cabbage c) alfalfa d) oats
13) What would be the best buy? a) ladino clover 90% germ count 35% coating $5 per pound b) ladino clover 85% germ count uncoated $6 per pound c) ladino clover 90% germ count, uncoated $7 per pound d) ladino clover 80% germ count 35% coating $4 per pound
14) What forage tolerates the lowest ph.? a) ladino clover b) Winfred brassica c) turnips d) rape
15) Which forage doesn’t need to be inoculated? a) soybeans b) balansa clover c) alfalfa d) oats
16) What is the most shade tolerant mix? a) mass builder b) grains and greens c) fall draw d) inner sanctum
good luck!!
Mark your calendar for Saturday February 11th for the 2nd annual Grandpa Ray Fest
It will take place at the same site as last year. Savanna Oaks Community center in Fall River WI. We will have a fundraiser once again for the Outdoor Heritage Education Center as well as quest speakers.
RSVP by emailing me at grandparays365@gmail.com
We are limiting it to the first 200 people. It is for program members only unless extra spots are not filled. We however request that you let us know 2 weeks in advance if something comes up that you cannot attend. We will fill your spot with someone else.
We want to announce a new show that we will have a booth at. It is the Minnesota Monster Buck Classic. It will take place January 12-14. If any of you are exhibitors and want to have a booth up there check it out. I will conduct my first Minnesota Seminar. Tell your friends and share this upcoming event.
Perham, MN at the Perham Area Community Center

I will be posting many new food plot pictures on the website under the 2017 food plot area. We also will be posting pics on the O’Brion Educational series page as well as the forums page. I am blessed to receive so many calls and emails each day from people saying…I never have had such growth before. My answer is, this is what it’s supposed to be like. Yes, I do all in my power to help educate you all. Yes, I have no doubt we offer the freshest seed in the industry. The secret to your success starts with the roots. We will discuss more next newsletter on “what’s below the soil.”
Thanks for all your business and having faith in G.R.O. Be well and be safe.
To all, note that the date for Grandpa Ray Fest in Feb is on the 10th and not the 11th.